
We believe that every detail in a car contributes to its unique user experience, and we are dedicated to working with our clients to create a user-friendly, safe, and enjoyable experience for drivers and passengers alike.

Over the past years, we have worked on various scale projects with some of the top car manufacturers around the world. Our projects range from the entire cockpit, HMI, dashboard, autonomous driving, voice control, lighting, car seats, and even OEM CRM systems.

We observe, analyze, and synthesize how users empathize and interact with their cars throughout their journey, from awareness, trial and honeymoon, problem solving and adaptation, to car exchange or upgrade. The topics covered include persona, innovation, UX testing, prototyping design, and benchmarking.

Hardware-wise, we have extensive experience in conducting automobile projects in various settings, including but not limited to the UX lab, car simulator, test track, and real traffic. We are passionate about and experienced in using various tools and equipment in our projects. We are adaptable in our approach and always keep the business objective at the core.

Explore & Understand

  • Observe intended users in their natural-use environments. This helps inform definitions of pain points and critical tasks to provide a better understanding early.

  • Analyze behavioral data, qualitative feedback, and existing post-market surveillance data to get a comprehensive understanding of barriers.
  • Measure & Validate

  • Calculate complex statistical correlations to ensure the benchmarking approach measures.

  • Make use of the full suite of UX subjective and objective datapoints and create a custom made benchmarking concept that reports exactly the KPIs.
  • Design & Iterate

  • Test low fidelity prototypes and concepts in a lab based setting for a quick and cost efficient turnaround.

  • Test your new device's holistic user experience in a realistic setting - including noise, dirt and multitasking.
  • Management & Strategy

  • We analyze existing processes (or create them). We align them to be more efficient and at the same time fulfill all regulatory requirements.

  • We connect you to international partners worldwide and execute studies where you don’t have boots on the ground.
  • With a focus on flexibility and creativity

    we deliver high-quality results that drive success for our clients.

    New Drive Study
    Car HMI Driving Simulator Test
    Standing Vehicle Innovation Workshop
    Keyless Concept Test
    The Entire Process Of Automotive Channel Change
    Smartphone On Wheels


    New Drive Study

    This study was to provide the actionable strategic guidelines to the new cockpit design for cars after 2028. It was to understand the onboarding process of a new car, focusing on cockpit experience.

    We were aiming at identifying the pain points and areas of improvement. The ultimate goal was to get a thorough and systematic understanding on how to provide a great cockpit experience from day one. See more...


    Car HMI Driving Simulator Test

    One global leading car manufacturer had developed a new user interface for the cars to be launched in 2030. The new in-car system consisted of different parts. The whole in-car system offered a wide variety of features and information.

    This study aimed to see whether the drivers could use the in-car system safely in both standing and driving situation and how they perceived the new layout of display. It also focused on whether the distribution of features and information was reasonable for drivers. See more...


    Standing Vehicle Innovation Workshop

    One client planned to develop more add-on features for vehicles. They expected to enrich the use scenarios to further improve the value of standing vehicles.

    Through this study, the client would like to know user acceptance to the idea in different countries and to collect more innovative concepts, which could be refined and evaluated in future studies. See more...


    Keyless Concept Test

    It’s a concept test about implement of keyless technology on cars/real estates.

    Clients would like to understand how is the feedback of the 10 new concepts and what are the benefits participants are seeing in these scenarios. They also need to predict is there any conflicts between the concepts and local conditions, to improve the concepts afterwards. See more...


    The Entire Process Of Automotive Channel Change

    In the presence of multiple channels, which channel has the greatest impact on consumers' decision-making, when does it occur, and what type of assistance does it provide to enhance consumers' driving satisfaction. See more...


    Smartphone On Wheels

    With the presence of various new features, how do new car owners learn about them? How much time will it take? What issues will be encountered? What factors will affect their expectations of these features? See more...


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